Shirakura Liquid Mineral Ca+ 100ml adds vital minerals to the aquarium water and raises its overall hardness (dGH). Especially when using very soft water, a lack of minerals is well-known to occur quite quickly and Shrimps might suffer from loss of colour and skinning problems. The important microorganisms in the filter and in the substrate become inactive and the water quality decreases. A water hardness (KH) of 0-2 is recommended for breeding bee shrimps, as is a pH-value of less than 7 in order to avoid the formation of ammoniac. However, achieving these values, the overall hardness (dGH) often gets too low. In this case it is recommended to harden the water with Liquid Mineral Ca+ in order to avoid the death of the shrimps. The water hardness (KH) is not influenced by this. Mr. Shirakura furthermore recommends maintaining an overall hardness (dGH) of 5 or more for a healthy and strong skin.
Example of usage:
For a new aquarium, add 5 ml (about 60 droplets) of Liquid Mineral Ca+ per 10 l water. For existing aquariums with shrimps, add this dose over several days. Prepare exchange water mixture beforehand.
1 drop of Liquid Mineral Ca+ to 1 liter water raises the general hardness (GH) by about 1° dGh.